

29th Sep 2020

PRoject Type

Design, Website

About Here4You

Population ageing is one of the greatest social and economic challenges facing the EU. Projections foresee a growing number and share of elderly persons (aged 65 and over), with a particularly rapid increase in the number of very old persons (aged 85 and over). Due to changes in age demography and growing number of seniors, the demand for qualified caregivers will be increasing parallelly. This trend is reflected to some respect in the educational offer of different institutions, like VET schools, educational centers, adult education institutions. However, all of them are focused on development of professional competences of caregivers and forget about fostering soft skills development, which in case of caregivers are crucial. Today, about 60% of care in the EU is provided by informal carers. Nevertheless, even caregivers who went through formal education path present major shortages in a soft skills. Preliminary, on the base of the desk research, the following soft skills were identified as the crucial ones while working with seniors